Hey everyone,
I bought Beyond: Two Souls on the PS3, and my girlfriend wanted to play it recently. So she started it on the PS3, but our controllers on the PS3 are a bit wack, and it was tough for her to play. So she decided to spend $40 on the remastered version on the PS4. She had to replay about an hour, but she eventually got really far. She made it to the end of the Navajo section (she just got rid of the huge spirit). After that part though, as she was riding her horse, she stopped the game and exited. And the next time she played, her save was corrupted.
She doesn't have PS+, so her save wasn't on the cloud. So she would have to start all over if she wanted to finish the game. And she does want to finish it, but she got really far. So she doesn't really want to replay all of the sections she played. This has left her in a predicament, and she's going to not play the game even though she was loving it (and she spent $40 on the game).
I really want her to finish the game because I love it, and I know she'll love it. I thought of replaying the game on the PS4, so she could use my account and play it by chapters (if that'll even work?). But I agree with David Cage that replaying the game doesn't seem right because all of the decisions I made in the game were important to me at the time, and I don't want to override that.
So I have two questions: Would anyone be willing to give me a completed game save file, so my girlfriend could finish the game and is it even plausible to be able to start at the chapter navajo and finish the rest of the game?